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Can’t make it to the library? Delivery service to your door may be available! Contact the Montrose Regional library at 970-964-2556 or Naturita Community Library at 970-787-2270 for more information.

The Montrose Regional Library District fosters community by providing resources, encouraging reading and supporting lifelong learning.

Mission statement adopted February 18, 2010

The Montrose Regional Library District is a separate political entity of the State of Colorado

The boundaries of the District are generally coterminous with the boundaries of Montrose County. The Town of Nucla and the area of the county north of the Gunnison River are not included in the District. Click here to see a map of the District.

The District operates branches in Montrose and Naturita, as well as a bookmobile.

The Montrose Regional Library District is governed by a seven member Board of Trustees, which are appointed by the Montrose County Commissioners. They meet on the first Monday of each month at 3 pm in the Montrose Regional Library Meeting Room. The public is invited to attend.

Current Board Members

  • DoriAnn Adragna, Pres.

  • Michael Murphy

  • Rachel Zatterstrom

  • Stephanie Williams, Vice Pres.

  • Chrissy Simmons

  • Meghan Waschbusch

  • Rachel Duke

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